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How to flip y axis in geom_sf()?

r ggplot2 sf

How to do a "full" union with the R package sf

r sf

Remove line from polygon crossing the international dateline in R (e.g. Russia in rnaturalearth)

r mapping sf

Do the values returned by rgeos::gCentroid() and sf::st_centroid() differ?

r equality centroid sf

convert a fortified data.frame back to sf object

r ggplot2 sf

extract coordinates of points in simple feature data frame

r gis point sf multipoint

Maps with R: Can't change the projection for points/coordinates

r ggplot2 spatial sf

R: Unusual error plotting multipolygons with ggplot, geom_sf, and openstreetmap

r ggplot2 openstreetmap sf

Make a SpatialPointsDataFrame with sf the fast way

r sp sf

How to change alpha in geom_sf?

r ggplot2 sf

Small multiple maps with geom_sf at the same spatial scale

r ggplot2 geospatial sf tmap

st_write refuses to overwrite layers in geopackage in R

r spatial sf geopackage

rotate ggplot2 maps to arbitrary angles

r ggplot2 sf

Inner-Joining two sf objects by non sf column

r join geometry gis sf

Using st_read to import large geojson in iterations R

r geojson sf

polygon from cluster of lat long points in R

r polygon sf

Split line by multiple points using sf package

r split gis point sf

Proximity Maps using R

r spatial sf

r sf package centroid within polygon

r sf centroid