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Publish zip created by sbt-native-packager

add sbt-web resources jar to classpath of sbt-native-packager

Why does "sbt stage" fail with Not a valid command?

sbt sbt-native-packager

Add specific directory and its content to Universal target

Why is my Docker image of my Play Framework for Scala app not starting with an AccessDeniedException?

Why does sbt-native-packager generate no bin directory?

Conditionally include provided scope dependencies with sbt and the universal plugin

Organizing multiple scala interrelated sbt & git projects - best practice suggestions

Sequencing and overriding tasks in SBT

ADD/COPY files with sbt-native-packager's docker support

Use cases for different sbt Key operators

What does sbt-native-packager's docker:publishLocal do?

How to disable ScalaDoc generation in dist task in Play 2.2.x (using project/build.scala)?