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New posts in ruby-1.9.3

How to set SameSite attribute to 'None; Secure' in Rails3.1.12 and Ruby1.9.3

Errors::SignatureDoesNotMatch, AWS-SDK gem for S3 support on paperclip 3.0.1 and rails 3.2

What does mean both the operators * and (*) in ruby?

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Is it possible to run my Rails app on Heroku with Ruby 1.9.3? If so, how?

Ruby 1.9.3 breaks rake test

Ruby on Linux PTY goes away without EOF, raises Errno::EIO

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Set UTF-8 as default for Ruby 1.9.3

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Skipping the first line when reading in a file in 1.9.3

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How can I find a memory leak on Heroku?

install ruby 1.9.3 using rvm on ubuntu [duplicate]

Error while installing Ruby 1.9.3

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ActiveRecord objects in hashes aren't garbage collected -- a bug or a sort of caching feature?

When should I use an OpenStruct instead of a Hash?

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Confusion with Atomic Grouping - how it differs from the Grouping in regular expression of Ruby?

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How to cleanly initialize attributes in Ruby with new?

Ruby on Rails "invalid byte sequence in UTF-8" due to bot

Error installing debugger-linecache in Ruby 1.9.3

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ruby-debug with Ruby 1.9.3?

Convert a string to regular expression ruby

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