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New posts in rubocop

Auto-correct line lengths in a library

ruby syntax rubocop

why is Rubocop raising “parser/current recognizes 2.5.5-compliant syntax, but you are running 2.5.3”?

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Rubocop only to check modified lines

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Different Rubocop results based on local or CircleCI

Assignment Branch Condition too high

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How to make RubyMine autocorrect with Rubocop on every save

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Rubocop Lint/Void: Literal used in void context

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What is "Ambiguous regexp literal" in rubocop?


How do I get rubocop to show severities of Warning or worse only?


Format number - Prefer annotated tokens (like `%<foo>s`) over unannotated tokens (like `%s`) (Rubocop)

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Rails: What is the correct usage of Rails.root.join when pointing to "tmp/caching-dev.txt"?

ruby-on-rails ruby rubocop

How to pass &:read as argument to File.open as indicated by Rubocop

ruby rubocop

How can I enforce ternary parentheses with RuboCop?

ruby rubocop

SublimeLinter-Rubocop not running even when enabled and rubocop in path

How to solve Rubocop respond_to_missing? offence

ruby rubocop

Atom-Editor: Rubocop doesn't work with atom

Rubocop guard clause dilemma - unnecessary if else VS line too long guard clause

ruby rubocop

Why does rubocop's Rails/FilePath cop recommend Rails.root.join

ruby rubocop

Rubocop for tabs

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How can I exclude a global variable from rubocop?