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New posts in relational-database

Why does SQL standard allow duplicate rows?

sql relational-database

How binary search is used in database indexing

What's the best way to store/query multiple types within a RavenDB collection?

Soft Delete vs. DB Archive

Automatically create One-To-One relation when using reverse field

Two way relationships in SQL queries

How to implement Twitter retweet action in my database

Does a drop table also drop the constraints?

Search implementation: ElasticSearch vs MongoDB vs Relational Database

has_many :through multiple has_one relationships?

How to convert data stored in XML files into a relational database (MySQL)?

When adding a foreign key constraint, which direction is best practice?

Laravel one to one relationship without foreign key

Will this (normalised) database structure permit me to search by tags as I intend?

How does a bitmap index work?

Any reason to still use snake case for database tables and columns?

NoSQL vs. Relational Databases vs. Possible Hybrid

Laravel / Eloquent : hasManyThrough WHERE

SQL two tables and creating a link table

Duplicating records to fill gap between dates