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New posts in regex

EOL Special Char not matching

c# regex

How does Perl's grep function work with a regex?

regex perl grep

RegEx in PHP: find the first matching string

php regex

Need java regex to match substring with multiple whitespace, only one punctuation

java regex

Prevent SQL injection from form-generated SQL - NO PreparedStmts

java regular expression

java regex

Regex to replace first occurence of match in javascript

javascript regex

zero width token?

regex token

preg_match to .NET equivalent

c# php .net regex

Java using regular expressions

java regex

How to find dates in the sentence using NLP, RegEx in Python

python regex parsing nlp

Removing whitespace-characters, except inside quotation marks in PHP?

Regular expression: is there a way to set maximum size of pattern?


Match number between characters


How to Use Regular Expression to Look for the something NOT of Certain pattern

regex perl

Regular Expression to Exclude First Item

javascript jquery regex

Parse inline CSS values with Regex?

php css regex

Java replaceAll with newline symbol

java regex newline

PHP - preg_replace items in brackets with array items

Perl - replace regex match with arbitrary operation on regex

regex perl