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Wrapping shared variables using Rebol 3 FFI

rebol rebol3

Rebol/RED parsing. Save ASCII codes from parsed string to variable?

string parsing ascii rebol red

Are OBJECT and CONTEXT synonyms in Rebol2?

object equality rebol rebol2

Read non success http data in rebol

rebol red

VID layout pane supporting multiple face creations [rebol2]

rebol rebol2

How to Convert a Red/Rebol String into a Series

string block series rebol red

Documenting Rebol's dialect

documentation rebol

REBOL 3 - Where can user defined namespace words be accessed?

rebol rebol3

Is there a function to decode encoded unicode utf-8 string like from a form?

forms unicode cgi rebol rebol3

How do I get the remote IP-Address of clients connecting to a Rebol3 based server?

tcp rebol rebol3

What is the undocumented block you get from THIRD on object/function in Rebol2?

function object rebol rebol2

Interleave blocks, or make object out of two blocks (field names and values)

object rebol rebol3

Why does random not work in GUI in REBOL?

user-interface random rebol

How do I pass a URL a cookie using Rebol 3?

rebol rebol3

Simpler way to do repeated `back back series`

series rebol red

How to use PARSE dialect to read in a line from a CSV?

parsing csv rebol

How to use Unicode codepoints above U+FFFF in Rebol 3 strings like in Rebol 2?

Rebol 3: reading STDIN efficiently line by line (to make awk like tool)

stdin rebol rebol3

How to split a string at a particular character in Rebol


How are words bound within a Rebol module?