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New posts in react-hooks

React useEffect (with []) is called every time I change page (React Router)

When using useDispatch() inside useEffect(), action doesn't appear to be called immediately

How to fix React Redux and React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'dispatch'

React Hooks - How to use a make a state dependant on another state?

React Hooks - How to target an element child (with useRef) with a variable declaration outside of useEffect?

reactjs react-hooks

react hooks useEffect update window.innerHeight

clearInterval() not working in React Native functional component

What's the difference between useState and useImmer?

React form hooks How to validate select option

This expression is not callable. Type '{}' has no call signatures. TS2349

API request error - No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

Can we use object destructuring for useState() in reactjs hooks?

React hook saved state in Event Listener wrong?

Infinite loop React hooks

reactjs TypeError: Object(...) is not a function when using hooks

React: How to call react hooks inside the event handler?

how to test/mock out react hooks?

Access Redux state in custom hook?

redux react-hooks

TypeError: Object(...) is not a function while using React Hooks

reactjs react-hooks

TypeError: Object is not a function?