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New posts in react-hooks

How to avoid useMemo overusing?

reactjs react-hooks

"i18next backendConnector: loading namespace failed" when using react-i18next useTranslationHooks

Which one has better performance: add and remove event listener on every render VS running an useEffect to update a ref

How to get 'Keyboard height before it opens' in React Native?

react-native react-hooks

React functional component - using inline functions for handlers affects performance?

How to set initial state value for useState Hook in jest and enzyme?

Does useCallback hook create a function everytime a component renders in React.js?

reactjs react-hooks

How to avoid issue with unguaranteed useCallback deps in useEffect deps?


Function called in setTimeout not using current React state

useEffect goes in infinite loop when combined useDispatch, useSelector of Redux

Why is my custom hook called so many times?

React hooks - useEffect method keeps fetching

React useEffect has a spread element in its dependency array

reactjs react-hooks

Is there a reason to use useEffect without dependency array?

reactjs react-hooks

React Effector State Management Based on Dropdown

Concurrent-safe version of useLatest in React?

React hooks in Gatsby: Invalid hook call

How to avoid unnecessary re-rendering of React Component

Bind event handler to document & have access to firebase api data via useEffect