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New posts in python-imaging-library

Draw Ellipse in Python PIL with line thickness

PIL: using fromarray() with binary data and writing coloured text

How to use unicode characters with PIL?

How to I use PIL Image.point(table) method to apply a threshold to a 256 gray image?

Read 16-bit PNG image file using Python

Any way to make nice antialiased round corners for images in python?

Reading tiff image metadata in Python

Looking for a better alternative to PIL for basic image file I/O and processing in Python? [closed]

Change contrast of image in PIL

TypeError: Cannot handle this data type: (1, 1, 3), <f4


How can I draw a bezier curve using Python's PIL?

Decoder JPEG not available error when following Django photo app tutorial

Applying a coloured overlay to an image in either PIL or Imagemagik

With the Python Imaging Library (PIL), how does one compose an image with an alpha channel over another image?

Active window screenshot with Python PIL and windows API: how to deal with rounded corners?

PIL error: The _imaging C module is not installed

PIL how to scale image in relation to the text drawn on image

How to save pillow image object to Django ImageField?

Writing complex custom metadata on images through python

Getting PIL/Pillow 4.2.1 to upload properly to AWS Lambda Py3.6