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New posts in python-imaging-library

Convert PyQt to PIL image

Comparing two images pixel-wise with PIL (Python Imaging Library)

"IOError: decoder zip not available" : Ubuntu Python PIL

Finding blank regions in image

Load an html5 canvas into a PIL Image with Django

Can I display image in full screen mode with PIL?

running PIL on 64bit

How to preserve Image Quality when rotating with PIL

How do I convert any image to a 4-color paletted image using the Python Imaging Library?

Python PIL cannot locate my "libjpeg"

Using Python's PIL, how do I enhance the contrast/saturation of an image?

how to round_corner a logo without white background(transparent?) on it using pil?

Python ctypes MemoryError in fcgi process from PIL library

Python PIL 0.5 opacity, transparency, alpha

Python PIL NameError global name Image is not defined

Transparent PNGs don't retain transparency after being transformed (Django + PIL)

Detect if image is color, grayscale or black and white with Python/PIL

I want to change the colors in image with python from specific color range to another color

How can I created a PIL Image from an in-memory file?

Change saturation with Imagekit, PIL or Pillow?