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New posts in python-imaging-library

Counting particles using image processing in python

PIL: Image resizing : Algorithm similar to firefox's

Using Python Image Library with VirtualEnv on Windows

Convert EMF/WMF files to PNG/JPG

How could I get the RAW pixel data out of a .NEF file using python?

Load all images from a folder using PIL

Python: How to turn an IMAGE into a STRING and back?

How to detect motion between two PIL images? (wxPython webcam integration example included)

Equivalents to OpenCV's erode and dilate in PIL?

Removing the background noise of a captcha image by replicating the chopping filter of TesserCap

from PIL import Image - ImportError: No module named PIL

Ubuntu Tkinter installation does not include PyImagingPhoto

Creating image through input pixel values with the Python Imaging Library (PIL)

How to install PIL in Ubuntu 11.04?

Open images from a folder one by one using python?

matplotlib plot and then wait for raw input

How to define radius for blur with Python Pillow?

How do I uninstall PIL for python 2.7 and use Pillow instead?

OSError: Unable to locate Ghostscript on paths

Background color when cropping image with PIL