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Pygame AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'copy'

Pydev and *.pyc Files

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Python Decorate all methods of subclass, and provide means to override

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How to define a binary string in Python in a way that works with both py2 and py3?

How do I setup virtualenv environments for Python 2.4 and 2.5 versions on Windows?

Print variable in python without space or newline [duplicate]

Can I make Python 2.5 exit on ctrl-D in Windows instead of ctrl-Z?

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How do you assign an exception to a local variable in Python 2.5?

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Outdated book description of Try-Except-Finally statement

Chinese and Japanese character support in python

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How to check if a string contains only characters from a given set in python

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Python 2.5 Windows Binaries?

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What encoding do I need to display a GBP sign (pound sign) using python on cygwin in Windows XP?

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Use Python 2.6 subprocess module in Python 2.5

Why does importing subprocess change my output?

AttributeError: '_MainProcess' object has no attribute '_exiting'

SQLite IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed:

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Parsing datetime strings with microseconds in Python 2.5

Error importing a .pyd file (as a python module) from a .pyo file