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New posts in producer-consumer

What is the best way to communicate a kernel module with a user space program?

"The usage of semaphores is subtly wrong"

Using pthread condition variable with rwlock

RabbitMQ C# API Event based Message Consumption

Java thread wait and notify

C++ Producer consumer queue with (very) fast and reliable handover

can a kafka consumer filter messages before polling all of them from a topic?

producer-consumer problem with pthreads

producer/consumer work queues

BlockingCollection that discards old data

Why would I place a synchronized block within a single-threaded method?

Is this a job for TPL Dataflow?

Difference between SynchronousQueue vs TransferQueue

Calling Dispose on an BlockingCollection<T>

Implementing the Producer/Consumer Pattern in C#

Producer-Consumer Queue in AngularJS

boost c++ lock-free queue vs shared queue

Multiple producers, single consumer

Java how to avoid using Thread.sleep() in a loop

java producer-consumer

Error: Could not find or load main class config.zookeeper.properties