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New posts in preg-split

I am trying to split/explode/preg_split a string but I want to keep the delimiter

PHP preg_split with two delimiters unless a delimiter is within quotes

php regex delimiter preg-split

How can I split a sentence into words and punctuation marks?

Split string after every five words

php preg-split

PHP preg_split: Split string by other strings

php regex preg-split

Delimit string by whitespaces

php regex preg-split

How to explode a string by any integer? Regex?

php regex preg-split

Using Preg_Split With Multiple Spaces

php preg-split

PHP REGEX - text to array by preg_split at line break

preg_split mixed HTML and PHP tags except in quotes and comments

preg_split with two delimiters in PHP

php arrays split preg-split

Split the first space and the last space in a string and limit the size of output in 3

php regex preg-split

split string by spaces and colon but not if inside quotes

Regex to match comma not between grouping symbols

php regex preg-split

Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class

php preg-split

php preg_split last occurrence of character

php regex preg-split

php preg_split error when switching from split to preg_split

php regex split preg-split

php: split string until first occurance of a number

php preg-match preg-split

Regex (preg_split): how do I split based on a delimiter, excluding delimiters included in a pair of quotes?

php regex preg-split

How do I include the split delimiter in results for preg_split()?

php preg-split