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New posts in preg-match

Compilation failed: POSIX collating elements are not supported

php regex posix preg-match pcre

PHP Preg_match match exact word

php regex preg-match

Match upto x regex or y regex

php regex preg-match

preg_split mixed HTML and PHP tags except in quotes and comments

preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier [closed]

php preg-match

How to read a text file and search for a certain string before a colon and then show the content after the colon?

PHP : non-preg_match version of: preg_match("/[^a-z0-9]/i", $a, $match)?

php preg-match

Get number from a string after specific character and convert that number

How to fetch data (text) from an external website with PHP if possible?

Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier 'v'

How to preg_match first occurrence in a string

php regex preg-match

PCRE: ^|$ and \A|\Z?

php regex preg-match pcre

Url Matching using Gruber's regex in PHP

php regex url preg-match gruber

split string by spaces and colon but not if inside quotes

Replace all spaces which are enclosed within braces

php extract Emoji from a string

Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Compilation failed: nothing to repeat at offset

php regex preg-match

php explode: split string into words by using space a delimiter

Troubleshooting "Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash" error when changing ereg() to preg_match() [duplicate]

php regex preg-match ereg