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New posts in powershell

How to run this Beyond Compare script from Powershell?


How to use Windows System.Speech for TTS in PowerShell 7 (or is there an alternative)

Getting error "Could not load file or assembly 'System.Windows.Forms" at 'Import-Module "AzureAD" line in PS script

Write-Output with no BOM

PowerShell- Grab all entries of the same name if any entry has a certain Property value

arrays powershell

How to define "named" parameter as [ref] in PowerShell (really this time)


PowerShell, can't get LastWriteTime


Special characters become question marks after Command line find and replace

powershell cmd automation

how to create a cmdlet?

Why does Powershell's "return" keyword cause type errors?


Running powershell script from explorer = execution policy error


Printing unicode characters in PowerShell via a C++ program

unicode powershell

Join string with non-breaking space in Powershell


powershell write-debug blank line


Logging from powershell-script to csharp-program (log4net - logfile)

c# .net powershell log4net

"Write-Error" (write in Powershell, used in C#) works BUT Write-Debug doesn´t work - Why?

How do I define setParamFile using the MSDeploy API

powershell msdeploy

Effective way to filter on multiple wildcards in PowerShell


Use Powershell's BeginInvoke() and EndInvoke() in async way

powershell asynchronous

Powershell editor with intellisense that I can embed into my program?