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Find a substring in a string with PowerShell and trim

powershell scripting

How to disable syntax highlight on Windows 10 PowerShell?

powershell windows-10

How to supply argument to value of New-Alias command?


Renaming a Folder and create a new folder in PowerShell

Connect-ServiceFabricCluster doesn't work after "Reset local cluster"

docker-machine on windows 10 - "You must have a copy of the scp binary locally to use the scp feature"

Credentials in Desired State Configuration

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Difference between using and not using pipe in Export-Csv in Powershell

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SQL installed but powershell not picking up sqlps commands (like invoke-sqlcmd)

PowerShell Sort-Order Incorrect

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How are parenthesis around a powershell command different than without?

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Redirect standard input (read-host) to a Powershell script


Powershell how to allow blocked content in internet explorer

PowerShell: Select line preceding a match -- Select-String -Context issue when using input string variable

Select-String in Powershell only displaying part of the line from a text file, need it to display whole thing

How to find if Powershell Array Contains Object of Another Array

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how to execute an exe with variable value for path and arguments


Start-Process gives error

powershell powershell-2.0

Hosting powershell runspace in web application

Error restoring database backup to new database with smo and powershell