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Customer refuses "scripts" in the environment. How do I embed a *.ps1 in a C# app?

Powershell - Loop script until user chooses to exit

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How to set LastWriteTime property of a file?

Why functions are not available locally until after first ran?

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how to find all .bat files and execute them one by one?

PowerShell Script digitally signed error

Retrieve Details of Deployed Solutions in SharePoint using PowerShell

Read line-by-line file and split values

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How can I append files using export-csv for PowerShell 2?

Powershell fastest directory list

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How to get a string instead of an array in PowerShell?

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Powershell logging from invoke-command

Powershell : Execution Policy

How to restrict voting button to 'To' address and not send to 'Cc' in outlook via powershell?

C# - Powershell AddPSSnapin Causes errors

How to run interactive commands in another application window from powershell

Import-PSSession fails in script, works in shell

Powershell can speak, but can it write if i speak?