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New posts in pouchdb

Per user database replication with couchdb

couchdb pouchdb

Flux waitFor() and async operation, how to model.

PouchDB authentication: Create new CouchDB users

Can $in / $or queries use indexes?

How to replicate from CouchDB to PouchDB?

couchdb pouchdb

How do I use pouchdb with typescript?

PouchDB inspector extension on chrome store gone (August 2017)


Ionic framework app work offline and syncing data with mongoDB

Is it possible to use GraphQL with an offline mobile database like SQLite or PouchDB

PouchDB authentication triggering CORS preflight request

Chrome on Android: Granted Quota for IndexedDB suddenly almost 0

How to know when we've lost sync with a remote CouchDB

couchdb pouchdb

Do I have to replace Mysql with CouchDB if I am using PouchDB for mobile app?

Are there any document storages on react native?

How can I filter data during replication and give user only his own documents?

couchdb replication pouchdb

ionic framework sync data and work offline

How to limit PouchDB revisions or permanently delete revisions

Is it possible to create offline first apps with React-Native?