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New posts in postgresql-8.4

PostgreSQL: between with datetime

How to get the total number of tables in postgresql?

Hashing a String to a Numeric Value in PostgreSQL

currval has not yet been defined this session, how to get multi-session sequences?

Select today's (since midnight) timestamps only

How to get a status of a running query in postgresql database

postgresql postgresql-8.4

Iterating over integer[] in PL/pgSQL

Options to retrieve the current (on a moment of running query) sequence value

postgresql postgresql-8.4

postgresql - can't create database - OperationalError: source database "template1" is being accessed by other users

postgresql postgresql-8.4

How do I get tables in postgres using psycopg2?

Split comma separated column data into additional columns

Using psql to connect to PostgreSQL in SSL mode

how to exclude null values in array_agg like in string_agg using postgres?

How to add "on delete cascade" constraints?

Generating a UUID in Postgres for Insert statement?