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Difference between NESTED TABLE and VARRAY

Inserting object values into table PL/SQL without the need to specify attributes

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How to pass parameters to sql scripts via command line

Oracle: convert numbers to words in other language than English

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Write an insert statement with select clause returning id in oracle

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Create a table based on a type

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Oracle DBMS_PROFILER only shows Anonymous in the results tables

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JDBC + PL/SQL = Is it so simple, or is there a catch?

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Returning multiple ref cursors from Oracle procedure to Java

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In PL/SQL what is a difference between a cursor and a reference cursor?

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Oracle PL/SQL String Formatting

Why is the output different in SQL Server and same in Oracle?

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Oracle : how to fetch data from dynamic query?

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Convert Oracle string to date wtih timezone

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How can I easily analyze an Oracle package's execution for performance issues?

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update the package body in Oracle Database (Sql developer)

PLSQL JDBC: How to get last row ID?

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syntax error when declaring variables in a pl/sql procedure

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