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PHP 5.3 Documentor? [duplicate]

PHPDoc: document parent class method that always yields itself or descendant class?

php phpstorm phpdoc

Unable to run phpdoc command after installing phpdoc/phpDocumentor package

How to do multi-line comments in NetBeans without auto DocBlock formatting?

Can the PHP interpreter be made aware of PHPDoc type hints?

php phpdoc

How to PHPDoc an anonymous function when passed as an argument?

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What is the status of PHPDoc? [closed]

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PHP docBlock @return className

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PHPdoc: Documenting chainable methods?

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Advanced search functionality in Doxygen?

What is the point of redundant php docblock tags like @static?

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Is there a way to indicate that a class has magic methods defined for every method on another class?

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Request params and phpdoc [duplicate]

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How to escape phpdoc comment in phpdoc comment?


Why do PHP magical methods have to be public?

phpdoc for inherited method

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What does PHPDoc "static" return type signify here?

Defining namespaces in phpDoc syntax

php phpdoc

Is there an PHPDoc type hint for an boolean parameter?

php phpdoc