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All requests requiring connection to mysql are very very slow (using Phalcon)

Netbeans syntax highlighting for volt (twig) and php in phtml files

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How to find by multiple criteria with Phalcon findFirst?

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google recaptcha returns false due to "invalid-input-secret"

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PhalconPHP Framework - How to update a model object and the related object

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How to set an alias on a Model::query() in Phalcon Framework

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Phalcon loading helper file library

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Phalcon relationships order

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Phalcon: how to get distinct models?

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Volt directory can't be written

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Installing Phalcon PHP Devtools: "ERROR: Phalcon extension isn't installed ..." though the module is installed

Phalcon devtools not working

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Debugging Phalcon as a PHP developer

debugging phalcon

How do I configure custom routes in Phalcon?

php phalcon

How to properly initialize database connection in Phalcon

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Cross controller variables in Phalcon

php phalcon

Phalcon PHP Xampp installation - Apache can't find DLL

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How it's possible to disable rendering layout in case of xmlhttprequest in phalcon framework?

How to run RAW SQL query in PhalconPHP

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