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New posts in parse-platform

Parse Server - How to use a scheduler to run 'jobs' over and over

How to install Parse.com 'Cloud Code' on Windows?

javascript parse-platform

Parse.com: PFQuery querying data from PFUser currentUser

Sorting of pfquery with multiple conditions for iOS7

ios parse-platform

Login with google plus in ios on parse.com

parse.com in Swift - is it possible to cast retrieved PFObject as subclass?

ios swift parse-platform

on iOS using Parse, how to save two PFFiles to a PFObject in background

Use the Mailchimp API

Using saveEventually() instead of save() or saveInBackground() for ParseUser or ParseObject


How to convert PFGeoPoint to CLLocation

How to save array of objects using parse.com server iOS?

ios parse-platform

Changing data in another PFuser object


Strange issue with Parse.com with key not being included

Parse IOS deleting all objects wherekey = objectID

Parse: Promise.when with many promises?

Cloud Code Parse Limit 1000 overcome with Chaining?

javascript parse-platform

Parse.Query sort by date

javascript parse-platform

Android how to combine two parse queries using 'OR'

android parse-platform

Weird parse crash android - Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.lang.Integer.intValue()

android parse-platform

Which is better: Parse or AWS [closed]