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New posts in osx-yosemite

Mysql won't start after upgrading Mac OS X Yosemite (Mac OS 10.10)

mysql macos osx-yosemite

Type 'Boolean' does not conform to protocol 'BooleanType'

Include search path on Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.1

Listing all the files in a folder using JavaScript for Automation on Yosemite

sudo apachectl start not working on OS X Yosemite

php apache osx-yosemite

Can't connect to IPv6-only host from java

Swift: Can not use NSImage .imageNamed

swift osx-yosemite

Why am I getting the error "Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1" in Xcode 6 on Yosemite?

Is it possible to control the amount of vibrancy of the translucent/blurry background in Yosemite?

FileDialog does not display when choosing "Add External JARs..." w/ log exception

How is `removeCookiesSinceDate` supposed to be used?

using startMonitoringEventWithType: error: in the effort to detect wifi SSID change

How to use ~/.bash_profile environment variables when using "Run Script" in "Build Phases" for XCode 6.1?

How do I change the WKWebview's user agent in OS X Yosemite?

Trouble downloading XCode 6.1 on Mac OS X Yosemite

xcode macos osx-yosemite

how to handle applicationShouldHandleReopen in a Non-Document based Storyboard Application

How to install mod_perl 2.0.9 in Apache 2.4 on OS X Yosemite?

RubyMine fails to start on Yosemite

Crash Jetbrains ide with Yosemite Mac osX (Webstorm, intellij)