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Where can I find some up to date information on OpenID authentication with rails?

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How to integrate OpenID into GlassFish?

What OpenId plugin/gem shall I use for my Rails application?

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How to use OpenID on my website

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Any statistics available regarding relative popularity of OpenId providers?

Simple GWT OpenID Example

gwt openid

PHP OpenID Identity Provider

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OpenID + OAuth for Webapp and Desktop/Mobile application Authentication and Authorizaiton

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google hybrid protocol authentication issue

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Spring Security OpenID - UserDetailsService, AuthenticationUserDetailsService

How can I avoid encoding errors using Net::OpenID::Consumer with Yahoo OpenIDs?

perl openid yahoo dancer

How to access email attachments using gmail Contextual Gadget

Where exactly is REST authentication used?

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Integrating OpenID in web site without using Local Database User Registration


Identity server is keep showing "Showing login: User is not authenticated" in /connect/authorize/callback