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New posts in openid

Cakephp with OpenID and User Authentication

Where is the source for DotNetOpenAuth? The primary Sourceforge link contains just samples and the ApplicationBlock

c# oauth openid dotnetopenauth

Can you extend Google Identity Toolkit to include facebook/twitter/etc?

OpenID for Google App Engine

Two Different Google OpenID URLs


What OpenID Connect adds to OAuth 2.0 (why is OAuth 2.0 not sufficient for authentication?)

php-openID doesn't work with Yahoo

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How to fetch account data from a provider with LightOpenID?

php fetch openid lightopenid

How do all those Javascript OpenID libraries work?

What is GitHub /.well-known/openid-configuration URL?

github oauth openid

Is Windows Live ID an OpenID Provider? [closed]

What's the secret to getting ClaimsResponse working with DotNetOpenId?

OpenID Over SSL with self signed certificate

ssl openid ssl-certificate

Why aren't lots of people using OpenID?


OpenID endpoints


To use OpenID or not to use?

How do I test login using openid in Zend Framework?

Integrate Google, Yahoo and OpenID in android application?

android openid yahoo