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New posts in nsregularexpression

Regex pattern and/or NSRegularExpression a bit too slow searching over very large file, can it be optimized?

'self' used inside 'catch' block reachable from super.init call

Suggest # tags while typing (like Twitter) for iPhone UITextView

Swift Regex matching fails when source contains unicode characters

How to use regular expressions in Swift 3?

URL Validation (Objective-C)

How to use regular expression in iPhone app to separate string by , (comma)

iOS regular expression arabic

regular expression in ios to remove href links

Extracting single values from a parsed NSString in objective-c

Ignore escaped double quote characters swift

regular expressions replace in iOS

How to check the validity of a GUID (or UUID) using NSRegularExpression or any other effective way in Objective-C

Case and diacritic insensitive matching of regex with metacharacter in Swift

Is there an Objective-c regex replace with callback/C# MatchEvaluator equivalent?

Named capture groups with NSRegularExpression

NSRegularExpression to extract text between two XML tags

NSDate detection with NSDataDetector

How can I use NSRegularExpression on Swift strings with variable-width Unicode characters?

Regex Persian Date validation