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New posts in nsrange

NSMakeRange: Legacy Constructor Violation: Swift constructors are preferred over legacy convenience functions. [duplicate]

swift nsrange swiftlint

Match NSArray of characters Objective-C

swift range greater than lower bound

swift swift3 nsrange

What is the equivalent value for NSRange.location on the Range Object within Swift 3?

swift3 range nsrange

Convert Range<Int> to Range<String.Index>

ios string swift range nsrange

NSRangeException: Call Stack Not Showing Line Number

How can I select a string from the beginning until a specified character?

NSRangeException from removeObjectsInRange: but passed range is within bounds

How to create and use temp NSRange in lldb?

ios struct lldb nsrange

encodedOffset deprecation

swift string nsrange

Using Range<Index> with NSRange in the NSAttributedString API

Find the number of characters that fits in a UITextView with constant width and height with a given string?

Get a range from a string

ios swift range ios8 nsrange

Problem with NSRange

iphone nsrange nshttpcookie

NSMutableAttributedStrings - objectAtIndex:effectiveRange:: Out of bounds

lint Legacy Constructor Violation: (legacy_constructor) NSMakeRange in Swift?

swift swift3 nsrange swiftlint

Create an NSRange with a given minimal and maximal value

NSRange: range.location != NSNotFound vs. range.length > 0

Cannot convert value of type 'NSRange' (aka '_NSRange') to expected argument type 'Range<Index>' (aka 'Range<String.CharacterView.Index>')

swift nsrange

String, substring, Range, NSRange in Swift 4

string range nsrange swift4