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New posts in nginx-ingress

Nginx Ingress giving 404 not found for any ingress resource

Should I Disable TCP Timestamp for Kubernetes?

AKS Ingress endpoint on Azure Traffic Manager

K8S Ingress: How to limit requests in flight per pod

Kubernetes HTTP to HTTPS Redirect on AWS with ELB terminating SSL

Nginx ingress resource - Redirect from to www (SSL doesn't work)

default backend - 404 returned from nginx-controller when dns is used

Can I use NGINX Ingress auth with oidc?

Nginx ingress controller not giving metrics for prometheus

How to configure nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target and spec.rules.http.paths.path to satisfy the following URI patterns

Supporting wildcard domains for TLS: Kubernetes Ingress on GKE

Setting cache-control headers for nginx ingress controller on kubernetes GKE

Basic authentication via nginx ingress controller

How to remove the server header from Kubernetes deployed applications

Configure Ingress controller to forward custom http headers

Rewrite only specific route with nginx Ingress

Helm stable/nginx-ingress with autoscaling, HPA couldn't read CPU or memory metrics

Kube ingress with hostname (how to know IP to forward domain name?)

Kubernetes ingress "an error on the server ("") has prevented the request from succeeding"

Kubernetes 1.16 Nginx Ingress (0.26.1) TCP Mariadb/MySQL service not working