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New posts in nearest-neighbor

TSP: Worst case ratio grows

Nearest neighbor 1 dimensional data with a specified range

How to find the order of discrete point-set efficiently?

Nearest neighbor on a unit sphere, with roughly evenly distributed points

geometry nearest-neighbor

2D nearest neighbour search for moving points

Algorithm for 2D nearest-neighbour queries with dynamic points

Is Morton code the most efficient for higher dimensions?

finding nearest neighbor for python numpy.ndarray in 3d-space

Why does scikit-learn's Nearest Neighbor doesn't seem to return proper cosine similarity distances?

How could I utilize algorithms for nearest neighbor search to do fixed radius search?

Search in 300 million addresses with pg_trgm

Grouping set of points to nearest pairs

All k nearest neighbors in 2D, C++

Postgresql k-nearest neighbor (KNN) on multidimensional cube

Implement K Neighbors Classifier in scikit-learn with 3 feature per object

Circle Separation Distance - Nearest Neighbor Problem

SQL efficient nearest neighbour query

sql nearest-neighbor

Eigen::MatrixXd to flann::Matrix<double> conversion