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save a PDF file to a directory using mPDF [duplicate]

php mpdf

PHP: Adobe Reader can't open PDF files created with mpdf

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mPDF - Inline blocks not displaying side by side

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mPDF : text align with p , h1 - h6 in table not work

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mpdf error - preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead

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mPDF page-break-inside avoid not working

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how to add multiple css file in mpdf

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mPDF - bad background-image quality in Firefox PDF viewer

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Call to undefined function Mpdf\mb_regex_encoding()

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How to use mPDF for Chinese Language

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How to use Font Awesome with MPDF?

mPDF: use background image for full page

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MPDF undefined index error

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What css alternative can I use to the non-supported margin-top:auto using mpdf to emulate footer on a4 pages?

TCPDF & mPDF error: Some data has already been output to browser, can't send PDF file

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mPDF: Hide table row (CSS display:none) not work

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mPDF error: Unable to create output file

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