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Mongoid Delete Document matching ID

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ActiveRecord and Mogoid::Document : associations

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What's the best state machine gem to mongoid? [closed]

Moving rails project from MySQL to MongoDB

Timestamp not updating in RoR application

get model with atleast one relation object in mongoid

Mongoid query! Combination of limit and order

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Rails, MongoID and embedded relations

MongoDB won't connect to MongoHQ using Mongoid

List dynamic attributes in a Mongoid Model

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How to validate models with a composite keys in ActiveRecord?

Empty folders when file is deleted using CarrierWave

Mongoid Group By or MongoDb group by in rails

rspec with mongoid, devise, database_cleaner : ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished error

Custom Mongo ObjectId for inserts

TimeStamps in Mongoid Embedded Documents

Maximum distance with Mongoid's Model.near method

Install Mongoid with Rails 3.2.2

Rails 3 : Increment Manually a field with mongoid

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Extract `Moped::BSON::Document` attributes in Ruby hash

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