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New posts in manifest.json

Progressive Web App "Manifest does not contain a suitable icon"

Web manifest is not accessible after forcing SSL

PWA - manifest attribute "display": "standalone" not working on Android

Prevent PWA from being installed

Why does my Manifest.json shows "Page does not work offline"

jsreact - GET http://localhost:8080/manifest.json 404 (Not Found)

manifest.json of web app in sub directory not detected

getUserMedia in PWA with manifest on iOS 11

PWA manifest.json - "theme_color" and "background_color" not working, splash screen not showing on android device

Apply changes to Web App Manifest on an installed PWA

Icons and manifest.json

Ensure that there is a back button on a desktop (Windows 10) PWA

add to home screen not showing up PWA

Manifest start_url is not cached by a Service Worker

Can I dynamically modify start_url in the manifest.json file?

Manifest: Line: 1, column: 1, Syntax error on Chrome browser

SVG icon in PWA manifest.json - how to set it for all sizes?

PWA "Manifest does not contain a suitable icon"