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New posts in magento-1.5

Get Magento attribute names instead of ID numbers?

Magento. Add gender and Date of birthday to registration form

magento magento-1.5

Before And After In Local.xml Magento?

magento adminhtml custom module it's showing the grid twice

Magento module system.xml checkbox won't save

magento magento-1.5

Magento how do I programmatically ship orders?

php magento magento-1.5

I am getting a block twice in Magento?

How to create new fields for customer

magento magento-1.5

how to get category name of current product (on product detail page) in magento

php magento magento-1.5

Is there a simpler way to get an attribute's frontend value?

Magento - How to create "decimal" attribute type

How do I get quote totals before saving payment method?

magento magento-1.5

Magento - How do you return results of unlimited CMS Static blocks (with certain "Identifier") to a CMS Page

Magento: Adding new products programmatically

magento magento-1.5

Magento changing attribute type in backend

magento magento-1.5

"Gateway error: (TESTMODE) The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.During PlaceOrder Authorised.net in magento"

Magento - get rule from coupon code

How MVC works in magento [closed]

Magento getProductUrl() is not returning the right url (random?)

magento magento-1.5