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How can I get the last commit for a folder using LibGit2Sharp?


How can I get file binary data out of Git repository using LibGit2Sharp?

c# git gitsharp libgit2sharp

How to pull latest from a specific remote branch without having need to provide user details?

Download one file from remote (git show) using libgit2sharp

c# git f# libgit2 libgit2sharp

Error encountered while cloning the remote repository with VS 2015 Update 3 (TFS 2015 Update 3)

Using libgit2sharp with LINQPad?

linqpad libgit2sharp

Pull a specific commit using libgit2sharp

c# git libgit2sharp

How to configure libgit2 in TFS Build with private repositories?

clone a git repository with SSH and libgit2sharp


How to find the branch a git commit is on? (Using libgit2sharp)

git libgit2sharp

What is equivalent of git checkout branch_name on LibGit2Sharp

git libgit2sharp

Programmatically do "Git blame -w" in C#

Deletion of git repository

c# git libgit2sharp

Is any body making a windows replacement to msysgit with libgit2,libgit2sharp, Ngit?

Get changes between a commit and its parent with libgit2sharp

git libgit2 libgit2sharp

How to check if a directory is a git repository in C#

c# git libgit2sharp

costura.fody for a dll that references another dll

What's the fastest way to find Tags pointing to Commits?

libgit2 libgit2sharp

Changing the remote url of a repository in libgit2sharp
