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New posts in laravel-socialite

Laravel Socialite token refreshing

Getting Google Refresh Token with Laravel Socialite

Laravel Socialite (Google) Error: ClientException in Middleware.php line 69; Error 403

Laravel socialite facebook avatar

Target [Laravel\Socialite\Contracts\Factory] is not instantiable

how to handle laravel socialite "Missing authorization Exception"

Socialite laravel 5.4 Facebook Provider

Laravel 5.5 socialite integration shows error formatRedirectUrl() must be of the type array, null given

Laravel 5 Socialite Facebook Login Error handling on callback after user cancels app request

How to login using Github, Facebook, Gmail and Twitter in Laravel 5.1?

laravel 5.5 login via google gives Client error

How can I manage OAuth refresh tokens with Laravel?

Laravel Socialite - google login failed "Missing required parameter: client_id" although specified

Laravel Socialite: InvalidStateException (sometimes)

php laravel-socialite

OAuthException using Socialite with facebook - "message": "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.",

Using Laravel Socialite with an API?

Using Laravel Socialite to login to facebook

URL Blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not whitelisted....(Localhost web application)

How to fix 'Facebook has detected MyApp isn't using a secure connection to transfer information.' error in Laravel