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New posts in laravel-routing

Alias for a route with a fixed parameter value

Laravel 5.3 Route model binding with multiple parameters

Laravel MethodNotAllowedHttpException on POST form

php laravel laravel-routing

Laravel Image Cache slower than source

Redirect to route not working in Laravel 5

Laravel 4: Redirect a post request to different controller method

Laravel route redirect without closure for route cache

how to pass different dynamic parameters at same position to access different view pages in laravel

Laravel 4 how check if a route only comes/redirected from another route?

Laravel RESTful returning 301 state

Laravel 5.1 Wildcard Route

Laravel 4: Two different view pages for a single URI based on auth status

Apply Auth Middleware to All Laravel Routes

Laravel 4, delete image within a post method / possible?

Laravel fails to find route except when the route is named

Laravel case insensitive routes

How to extend Laravel Blade functionality and add 'break' and 'continue' support