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best way to run string functions over returned database object

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How to get All data from a model except one?

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Check if a string is "0" with Laravel validation

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Laravel 5, Derived table in join clause?

Laravel 5.1 Delete a row from database

Switching from Illuminate\Html to Collective\Html, Class 'Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider' not found

Laravel 5 - How to check username & password is match with table?

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Remove relationship between Eloquent records

Copy one table to another in laravel 5

Laravel 5 query builder and NOW() for date comparison

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How do I enable error reporting in Laravel?

Formating numbers with leading zeros in Blade view

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Laravel 5 HTTP Response, M4V Files, and iOS MPMoviePlayerViewController

Laravel 5 permission denied when writing in log file

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What is an easy and clean way to access vendor files from a Laravel 5 view

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How to Handle Exceptions and Error Messages in Laravel 5?

Laravel 5.* multiple middleware whole controller

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