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Is there another way to "setConnection" on an Eloquent Model?

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In laravel how to pass extra data to mutators and accessors

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How to create Eloquent model with relationship?

Regex Validation in Laravel 5.2

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Laravel 5.6 - Do I need to include JQuery or is it already included in the app.js?

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Laravel query builder - How to either group by alias, or do raw groupBy

How do I get a "select count(*) group by" using laravel eloquent

Available actions for onUpdate / onDelete in Laravel 5.x

How to set environment variables for Laravel 5 on AWS EC2 with MySQL

How to delete record in laravel 5.3 using ajax request?

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Laravel: How to authenticate users without DB

SQL BETWEEN Two Columns in Laravel/Lumen

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Laravel Auth user id in controller

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Extend Request class in Laravel 5

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Laravel middleware 'except' rule not working

Defining Laravel foreign keys with Model Factories, One to One & One to Many Relationships without creating unnecessary models