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New posts in kotlinx.coroutines

kotlin coroutines. Difference between launch{ fun} and launch {suspend fun}

Why is it impossible to use method references to `suspend` functions in Kotlin?

Mocking return value of method that returns Kotlin Coroutines Deferred type

Updating project to stable coroutines Kotlin 1.3.0 + Coroutines 1.0.0 error

How to ignore JobCancellationException?

How to implement NIO Socket (client) using Kotlin coroutines in Java Code?

Unresolved reference: async in Kotlin in 1.3

can I always use WorkManager instead of coroutines?

In kotlin, how do I mock a suspend function that wraps a callback?

Wait For Data Inside a Listener in a Coroutine

launch is only available since Kotlin 1.3 and cannot be used in Kotlin 1.2

kotlin kotlinx.coroutines

Migrate to Kotlin coroutines in Android with Kotlin 1.3

Compilation error: "-Xcoroutines has no effect: coroutines are enabled anyway in 1.3 and beyond"

Whats the concept behind a CoroutineScope?

kotlin kotlinx.coroutines

Mocked suspend function returns null in Mockito

how to cap kotlin coroutines maximum concurrency

Error calling Dispatchers.setMain() in unit test

Integrate Kotlinx coroutines in intelliJ project

Using coroutines in retrofit authenticator