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New posts in knn

OpenCV 3 KNN implementation

c++ opencv knn opencv3.0

Recreating decision-boundary plot in python with scikit-learn and matplotlib

Generate 'K' Nearest Neighbours to a datapoint

Broadcast Annoy object in Spark (for nearest neighbors)?

What data do I need to implement k nearest neighbor?

Finding k-nearest neighbor for only one point (not an entire matrix) using R

r knn

SKLearn - Principal Component Analysis leads to horrible results in knn predictions

searching for k nearest points

python knn

Getting probability as 0 or 1 in KNN (predict_proba)

scikit-learn knn

How can I use a different distance measure for the k-nearest neighbor in Java/Weka?

weka knn

How to estimate eps using knn distance plot in DBSCAN

Why is KNN so much faster with cosine distance than Euclidean distance?

using k-NN in R with categorical values

r distance knn

Changing shape of single point in JFreeChart XYPLot

java plot jfreechart knn

Obtaining `std::priority_queue` elements in reverse order?

Why metric='precomputed' doesn't work in sk-learn's k-nearest neighbours?

scikit-learn knn

Euclidean distance, different results between Scipy, pure Python, and Java

How to use Opencv FeatureDetecter on tiny images

java opencv knn