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New posts in junit

Is there a version of JUnit assertThat which uses the Hamcrest 'describeMismatch' functionality?

mockito + easymock - NoClassDefFoundError:net/sf/cglib/proxy/Enhancer

Overriding a few properties for junit test using spring or camel property placeholder in a maven layout

how to unit test a class which creates new objects

How to present unit test graph in Jenkins email report?

Adding a setUp step for multiple JUnit test classes

What is the strategy to mock static loggers in java service using mockito

logging junit mockito jmockit

JUnitParams not working with String array

Need to mock creation of a object inside a constructor of the class to be tested

How to use Gradle's dynamic versions and avoid betas?

maven junit gradle

Why Am I Getting An NPE That Only Appears Occasionally When The Program is Run?

java debugging junit bluej

Android Studio 1.1, simple junit test setup

Terminated test status without any failure message in Android Studio 2.0 while unit testing

Data is not saved in DB when using Transaction annotation in JUnit test

Integration tests for AspectJ

Selenium3.4.0-Python3.6.1 : In Selenium-Python binding using unittest how do I decide when to use self.assertIn or assert

Failing a unit test if an exception is thrown in another thread

Inner static class with @Configuration picked up by spring scanner for all tests. What is wrong?

spring spring-boot junit

With JUnit 5, how to share information in `ExtensionContext.Store` between test instances?

java junit junit5

Ignore PMD rule for methods with a Test annotation