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New posts in jquery-ui-sortable

CodeIgniter create n-level deep navigation

Alternative methods of storing a list sort order in JavaScript and MySQL

How to detect the item has been dropped in the same sortable list

jQuery sortable -- enable sortable only on drag, not click

Using Cocoon (Nested Forms) and jQuery sortable together

Jquery Sortable and Draggable between parent and child frame

Can the onblur event be used with Jeditable and jQuery UI sortable?

Changing background colour with jQuery. Reset to default

Drag from a sortable list to fullcalendar

How can I restrict jQuery UI connected lists drag and drop to single direction

How to conditionally apply jQuery Sortable UI widget to table (ASP.NET GridView)?

Animating jQueryUI Sortable using CSS3 transitions

jQuery-UI sortable: Animate from original position to new after helper drop

jQuery UI sortable click event

Select all (Ctrl+a) keyboard button not working for input filed inside the HTML5 sortable

jquery jquery-ui-sortable

How to test a JQuery UI Sortable widget using Selenium?

jQuery UI sortable and live() click problem -- need to click twice after sorting for click to register

jQuery UI sortable: determining in what order the items are

How to horizontally sort divs using Sortable in JQuery

Sortable + nested lists with jQuery UI 1.8.2