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New posts in jquery-ui-datepicker

Cannot install jQuery UI WIdgets:Datepicker

jquery date picker split into multiple fields

Jquery datepicker beforeShowDay after initializing

jQuery Date Picker - TimeZone Issue

JQuery datepicker return weeknumber and day of week

Disable Months On Month/DatePicker

Use JQuery Datepicker on dynamically created fields

Jquery - Get the time in HH:MM format between two dates

exclude weekends to be clickable on jQuery datepicker

JQuery Datepicker: If selected date is today's date

How do i disable public holidays in a jQuery UI date picker?

Disable date before current date in JQuery UI datepicker

jQuery UI datepicker: add 6 months to another datepicker

is there anyway to have a jquery UI date picker only allow saturdays?

jQuery datepicker on click of icon

jQuery ui datepicker not working in Firefox

jQuery UI Datepicker after select/change month/year

in jquery ui datepicker, on the OnSelect() event is there anyway to get the previous selected date

jquery datepicker getTime not UTC

datetime calendar : select date range in a single input field