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New posts in jquery-ui-autocomplete

Append separator line after jQuery UI Autocomplete items except after the last item

Unexpected token < in JSON at position 2 jquery Autocomplete

How can I change the result filter in Autocomplete?

jquery ui autocomplete: trigger only when item is not selected

How To: Modify jquery.autocomplete regex to show results that starts with the given input

Jquery Autocomplete - no result message

JQueryUI autocomplete - custom rendering; focus not working

JQuery Autocomplete close option when click outside

jquery tagsinput and ui autocomplete: can they work with pre-loaded source?

How to display loading icon when autocomplete search is performed?

JQuery autocomplete server-side matching

JQuery Autocomplete : can't apply style on the focused item

Triggered @mention Autocomplete like Facebook, Twitter and Google+

Jquery ui combobox (autocomplete) disappears

Can you restrict entering invalid keystrokes with jQuery UI autocomplete combobox?

jQuery UI Autocomplete v1.8.14 Multi-word Search + Highlighting

Can the default "Term" name passed in the "jquery UI autocomplete" feature be changed?

customizing the drop down autocomplete box

autocomplete - show the whole list

Grouping results in JQuery UI Autocomplete plugin?