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New posts in jdbc

"NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/DatatypeConverter" with SQL Server JDBC

Why does JDBC driver pad some blank characterS other a queried field, from an Oracle Database?

java database oracle utf-8 jdbc

Logging JDBC/Hibernate/JPA transaction isolation levels

Performance difference of Native SQL(using MySQL) vs using Hibernate ORM?

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How to connect to local host using JDBC?

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Java PreparedStatement complaining about SQL syntax on execute()

Internals of Oracle driver

java oracle jdbc driver

Spring dataSource bean definition failing

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How to loop SQL statements?

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Order in closing resources

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Arquillian fails to inject dependencies after the first test class

MySQL Connection Error in Java - com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

java mysql jsp jdbc

log4j2 how to read property variable from file into log4j2

java logging jdbc log4j log4j2

right syntax to use near '?'

PreparedStatement is faster in Java, How db do it?

JDBC mysql does not support placeholder of LIMIT in PreparedStatement?

search_path doesn't work as expected with currentSchema in URL

postgresql jdbc search-path

JOOQ vs JDBC+tests

jdbc jooq

How to handle jdbc.queryForObject if it doesn't return a row

How can I know if 10385274000 fits into: NUMBER(10) for Oracle?

java oracle jdbc types maxlength