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New posts in javassist

Editing a native method class with javassist?

java javassist

Getting all classes with Javassist using a pattern

java javassist

javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error] no such field: $1

Does there exist a Babel like compiler for Java?

Can I modify the byte code of a Java method in the runtime?

how to add @Override annotation to a method while creating the .class file using javaassist?

java javassist

Which version of javassist is compatible with java 8?

java javassist

Get a name of a method parameter using Javassist


Force all Java arithmetic to strictfp at runtime, using javassist?

renaming a field using javassist at runtime in the pre-main method (java instrumentation)

How to remove a method using Javassist?

java javassist

Replace java operators by methods in bytecode using javassist

ClassCastExceptions due to upgrade to hibernate 4.2.8 in WebSphere 8.5.5 application container

Attach proxy to an existing object?

Getting Javassist types instead of actual Hibernate entity types

Is bytecode manipulation safe

How to get class of primitive types with Javassist?

java reflection javassist

Integrating javassist byte code manipulation with maven compilation

Javassist failure in hibernate: invalid constant type: 60

java hibernate cglib javassist

Is is possible to instrument with javassist java core classes? Classes loaded by the bootstrap classloader