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jupyter dropdown widget trigger action

jupyter ipywidgets

How to change the default position of a ipywidget slider to the side of a matplotlib figure?

What is the 'icon' argument for ipywidgets.Button?

documentation ipywidgets

Change button name on ipywidgets

Ipywidget Accordion default behaviour

ImportError: IProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets although it is installed

Display IPython.display.HTML class objects inside ipywidgets

How to have an argument possible values dependent on another argument with IPython Widgets?

Exporting ipywidgets to a website

Child widget creation in ipywidgets produces an error using ViewList and create_child_view

How to check if a Jupyter Notebook extension is enabled?

Getting Ipywidgets To Interact With Pandas Dataframe In Jupyter Notebook

use ipywidget interactive() with option manual=True

Create a popup widget in IPython

Jupyter: How to update plot on button click (ipywidgets)

How to alight and place ipywidgets